Every year, during the first week of December, Operation Walk USA provides free hip and knee replacements to individuals across the United States who lack health insurance. This year the organization will operate on one hundred patients-helping to restore their mobility and independence. Operation Walk Los Angeles was happy to participate in the important event and provide six local residents with the surgery they needed to be able to walk pain free.

The video, courtesy of KABC-TV, features our founder, orthopedic surgeon Lawrence Dorr, and one of his Operation Walk USA patients Roberto Dos Santos. Mr. Dos Santos is one of the most experienced and well respected soccer coaches in the Southern California youth soccer community. He has suffered from joint pain for over 15 years, but with this surgery will be able to return to the soccer pitch and continue coaching.

Operation Walk Los Angeles honored Dr. Dorr at the Annual Gala (2018).

Lawrence Dorr, M.D. speaks at the Operation Walk Los Angeles Annual Gala 2018.